©1999-2001 Audrey aka Neo-Queen Zeal. This site was created June 6th, 1999. Schala, Chrono Trigger, and all things related ©1995 Squaresoft. Kisekae image gallery idea is soley mine. Please don't steal my idea. All fan art and fiction is used with permission, so please do not take any pieces without gaining consent from the original artist or author.
28 August 2001: Ehh...probably would have been a good idea to have uploaded the pages that day, ne?
17 August 2001: For a long time, this site has been known as "the one and only" shrine to Princess Schala. Well, today, my friends, that is no longer true! ^_^ I am pleased to announce that I have discovered a link on Marle's page to another (way better) shrine to Princess Schala! Visit Princess of Zeal! ^_^
Also, as you can see, I've made a new layout. I know, I know. It's incredibly simple, but I'm stuck on a Mac and still getting used to Adobe, so you can't expect too much out of me right now. I've also received complaints that Ask Schala isn't working. >_< I was using my form that came with my RedRival account, but apparently, they've changed things around. Ask Schala will be down temprorarily until I find another form service.
As for an actual update instead of just a typical layout change, I've added an adoption section where you can adopt a cute little SD Schala! ^_^ I added some comments to the page on Kid's accent, too, and I've also posted some of my fan art. I'm also planning on writing a Schala fan fiction, so yay! Fuuziwat!